Monday, 5 December 2011

Week 18: December 4th 2011

An historic week in the pub quiz's path. The quiz this week went ahead despite me not being there, except for the fact that I was there, well, my voice was. That's because this week's quiz was recorded entirely onto a disc with meticulous timing so it ran as if I were there. Of course I don' have any standings but I did hear that the top score was 45 scored by two teams (the only time two teams have ever tied and I'm not there to read the tiebreaker question!!). Oh well, it's all a bit of fun anyway.


45    3 Muskaqueers
45    3+1 = Winning
42    That's Tragic
36    Chapel Fields Mafia
29.5 Young Farmers
25    I'm Sexy and I Know It

Now the reason for my absence was London. But whilst there I still learnt some quizzy goodness (albeit not much) and we took £10 collectively out of a spoonies quizzer which is always nice to do even if it could have been £13 with Sean Young.

So here are two quiz questions to whoever reads my blog (all two of you no doubt). They came to me when I was in London (the quiz questions, not my followers).
  • Which 5 letters can be arranged in such a way that they spell the name of a racecourse, an opera by Puccini, a BBC documentary series and a coffee shop chain?
  • Which tube station's name can have an item of clothing added to the end of it such that if you were to then write down the two together (the station and the clothing), the name of a famous palace would be present? (Badly phrased but it sort of works).

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